Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Next project

I think the title of my next project is going to be "Infiltration Nation." It's not going to be a piece of creative writing, however, but an aural art exhibit or a short documentary in the short term.

In the long-term it will be research for a "novel," where of course one of my characters is either a lawyer or an "artist" and one of the things he wants to do is ahum ... a detention center.

Well, this is his chance to either do it or at least work with others to help them do it, so why the hell not take the opportunity?

I was thinking the other day about those WWJD bracelets, and of course being in a so-called "Christian Nation," you have to ask what would Jesus do about those detention centers if he were alive today and indeed the son of God?

I believe that he would infiltrate those detention centers in order to be there with you and help you tend to those wounds.

Not that we have to get a whole messiah complex about it but we really do have to wonder, what would you do if someone you loved was locked up in one of those places for some random infraction and not just "crossing the border"?

Perhaps the thing to do is expand this notion of who is worthy of our love and our efforts.

Maybe that is "what Jesus would do." 

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